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African Futures Dissemination Workshop

African Futures Research Leadership Program 

Early Career Women Scholars: Sharing research findings and experiences 

5 August 2020

8am Eastern, 12pm GMT, 1pm West Africa Time, 2pm Southern Africa Time, 3pm East Africa Time 


The African Futures Research Leadership Program is winding down its first year with its inaugural cohort. Please join us as they share some of the work they have been working over the past year at MSU under the guidance of mentors. Each scholar will offer a short presentation of their work, and answer questions from attendees during a Q&A session. 


Welore Tamboura.jpg

 Welore Tamboura

Paths to Peace-building in Mali: the Role of the University



 Linda Chukwurah

Gender Inequity in Media Coverage and Athletes' Welfare in Nigerian Sports: Impact of the Nigeria Sports Policy and African Union Agenda 2063



 Helen Agu

Women in Wildlife Trafficking: Exploring the Gender Dimensions of Wildlife Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa



 Deborah Amulen

Socio-economic Feasibility of Black Soldier Fly Larvae among Small-Holder Farmers in Uganda


 Ndeye Penda Ndiaye

Genetic Characterization and Selection Signatures of Korean and American Pig Breeds



 Innocensia John

 Transforming Agricultural Systems in Malawi through Sustainable Intensification




 Amelia Odo

Maternal Dietary B-vitamins and Infant Morbidity




 Getrude Mphwanthe

Urban and semi-urban Food Insecurity, Food Acquisition and Type 2 Diabetes Management in Malawi