MSU-African Alliance for Youth Sport Entrepreneurship (AAYSE): Applying Positive Youth Development through Sport to Nurture Youth Entrepreneurship
Priority Areas: Youth Empowerment; Education
Principal Investigators: Leapetswe Malete (MSU); Dan McCole (MSU)
Partners: Tshepang Tshube (University of Botswana), Thuso Mphela (University of Botswana), Cyprian Maro (UDSM), Reginald Ocansey (University of Ghana)
Institutional Partners: MSU (Colleges of Education and Agriculture and Natural Resources); University of Botswana (Botswana); University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania); University of Ghana (Ghana)
Improving the Enabling Environment for Fertilizer Markets in Africa: An Institutional Collaborative Approach to Value Chain Development
Priority Area: Agri-food Systems
Principal Investigators: Nicole Mason (MSU), Charles Jumbe (ReNAPRI/LUANAR), Joshua Ariga (International Fertilizer Development Center), Maria Wanzala-Mlobela (AFAP), Katrin Kuhlmann (Harvard/Georgetown)
Institutional Partners: MSU (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources); Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (Zambia); International Fertilizer Development Center (US); African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (South Africa); New Markets Lab (US)
A Partnership for Training Caregivers to Prevent Konzo Disease from Toxic Cassava and Enhance Neurodevelopment in very Young Congolese Children
Priority Area: Health and Nutrition
Principal Investigators: Michael Boivin (MSU), Desire Tshala-Katumbay (University of Kinshasa/Oregon Health & Sciences University), Esperance Kashala-Abotnes (University of Kinshasa/University of Bergen)
Institutional Partners: MSU (Colleges of Human Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine), University of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Young Innovators in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Development (YIELD)
Priority Area: Youth Empowerment
Principal Investigators: Felix Kwame Yeboah (MSU), Julius Gatune (African Centre for Economic Transformation), Ntengua Mdoe (Sokoine University of Agriculture)
Institutional Partners: MSU (College of Agriculture and Natural Resources), African Centre for Economic Transformation (Ghana), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania)
Documenting Endangered and Threatened East African Languages
Priority Area: Culture
Principal Investigators: Deo Ngonyani (MSU), Ann Biersteker (MSU), Angelina Nduku Kioko (United States International University), Josephat Rugemalira (Tumaini University)
Institutional Partners: MSU (College of Arts and Letters and International Studies and Programs), United States International University (Kenya), Tumaini University (Tanzania)
African Futures:
Fifth cohort of scholars announced
Partnerships for Innovative Research in Africa:
8 research teams awarded