After telling family and friends where I’d be going I received a ton a negative comments about safety mostly because of the stigma placed on Mexico. When I landed all of those preconceived notions were put to rest. The beautiful palm trees, and clear blue water were nothing short of a picture in a brochure and neither I nor my counterparts encountered no safety concerns. Smelling the fresh air, and experiencing the perfect 80 + degree weather never got too hot.
My initial motivation to applying for a study abroad was to travel for Spring Break and do some community service but it ended up being so much more than that. My agency did service for Frida Kahlo Preschool. While there, we contributed to putting up a new fence for the students as well as painted the walls a pastel yellow, and played games with the children like Pato Pato (duck duck goose) and Simon Says. In that week span I got so close with my peers and the students and staff at Frida Kahlo preschool.
Language was a barrier though. I’ve studied Spanish in the past but I’m not nearly fluent. This program propelled my interest in furthering my Spanish and potentially becoming fluent as well as making me more open to meeting new people.
I’m an introverted individual so going on this program with a ton of people I didn’t know frightened me.
I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world!
Larry J. Johnson II
International Engagement in Huatulco, Mexico
Spring Break 2019